Spring 2024 Shelterbelt Planting: Order Tree Seedlings and Saplings for Spring Shelterbelt Planting
Buy Trees to Plant on your own in Spring OR Contract HELP and its partner organization GRDC to Contract Plant and Mulch with You using leading edge systems! We now also market drip irrigation systems and do custom installation of the same.
We are now taking bookings for May and June 2024 contract planting/plastic film mulch application and related turf grass seeding and drip irrigation installs. Please call for shelterbelt design advice and quotes. We also provide on site assessment and planning services.
HELP International subsidized tree seedlings and saplings for sale for shelterbelts and environmental programming from our 2,000,000 tree seedling inventory.
New Sapling Nursery: Our potted sapling nursery has expanded to 20,000 trees this year. tree potted sapling
ORDER Trees, mulch, irrigation systems NOW at
www. help-shelterbelts.com
Our programming and research innovations are growing with each passing year.
Due to increasing demand we have created our largest stock ever of golden, acute, laurel, silver leaf willow and shrub willow. In hybrid poplar we have achieved good production of four principal varieties of Okanese Poplar and Tristis Poplar ( both fuzzless and equal to the very fastest growing), Walker Poplar (a bit of fuzz, very fast growing and extremely bushy against the ground) and Hill Poplar (a tiny bit of fuzz but the most drought and cold resistant).
We are happy to announce we have greater stocks than ever of Velosa and Common Lilac. We have finally introduced the drought hardy carigana to our shrub supply.
We are also offering potted saplings of the following: Tristis and Okanese Poplar (3 to 5 ft), Laurel Leaf Willow (good calibre stem diameter and 3 to 4 feet tall). Golden and Silver Leaf Willow potted saplings at 4 to 7 ft tall. We also have three year old potted white spruce and Scot's Pine.
Irrigation Systems: We supply DIY full systems of 1/2 inch drip line with pre-installed emitters as well as 3/4 inch and 25 mm drip lines for punch and pop in emitters for larger shelterbelts requiring sustained water pressure over longer distances.
Up to 17.5% Incentives for Tree Pick Ups in Weyburn in 2024
All customers receive an additional bonus of 5% of each tree variety they order plus discounts for early bird orders beginning with 7% discount in October and decreasing by 1 % discount per month. Pick up customers get another 10% of your order payable in large generic willow.
(Up to 50 free trees for habitat plantings for Saskatchewan pick up customers only...a $20 admin fee applies )
Pick Up Customers Paid by HELP who transport and handover other customer trees enroute
HELP will pay any pick up customer who agrees to delivery trees of one or more other customers who are enroute or at the destination of the pick up customer. Tree handover is typically at major fuel stations along the way or any other handover location agreeable to both parties. These deliveries are typically same day deliveries and the trees arrive the happiest because they are transported in open containers unlike courier company deliveries and trucking.
Go to www.help-shelterbelts.com to order on line (click on 'store' and then click on the picture of the tree you want)
Order by phone: 306-861-0814 (You can also leave a text messages on this number)
Spring 2024 Trees Available | Seedling Size | Growth Rate per Year | Mature Height | Mature Canopy Width | Suggested Plant Spacing |
Golden Willow 16 to 30 " 1.5-4 ft growth rate/ year 23-36 ft 25-35 ft 10 to 12 ft spacing
Laurel Leaf Willow 14-30" 1.5-4 ft/ year growth rate; 26-50 ft 35-50 ft 10 - 12 ft spacing
Silver Leaf Willow 14 - 30" 1.5 - 4 ft/year growth rate;25 - 60 ft 25 to 40 ft; 10 to 12 ft spacing
Acute Willow 12 -24 " 1.5 - 4 ft/year growth rate; 25- 40 ft 20 - 30 ft; 8 to 10 ft spacing
Large Generic Willow 15-40" 1.5 - 4 ft/year growth rate; 20-30 ft 20-30 ft 10 to 12 ft spacing
Cluster Shrub Willow 14- 20" 1.5-3 ft/ year growth rate; 12-16 ft 6-10 ft 3-4 ft spacing
Tristis Poplar 15 To 20" 2 - 3.5 ft/year growth rate; 30 - 50 ft 10-15 ft 8 ft spacing
Okanese Poplar 15-20" 2 - 3.5 ft/year growth rate; 30-50ft 6 - 10 ft 8 ft spacing
Walker Poplar 15 -20 " 2- 3.5 ft/year growth rate; 30 - 50 ft 8 - 10 ft 8 ft spacing
Hill Poplar 12 - 18 " 1.5 - 3 ft/year growth rate; 30 - 40 ft 12- 20 ft 8 ft spacing
Mixed Poplar 15-20" 1.5-4 ft/year growth rate; 30-50 ft 6-13 ft 8 ft spacing
(Multiple Variety)
Velosa Lilac 6 - 10"; 0.5 to 0.9 ft/year growth rate; 12 ft; 8-10 ft; 3 ft spacing
Common Lilac 6 - 10 " 0.5 to 0.9 ft/year growth rate; 12 ft; 8-10 ft; 3 ft spacing
Carigana 10 - 13" 0.5 to 0.9 ft/yr growth rate
White Spruce: 13 to 17 inch
Blue Spruce: 9 to 12 inch
Scot's Pine: 8 to 12 inch
Manitoba Maple: 12 to 16 inch
Green Ash: 12 to 16 inches
American Elm: 10 to 14 inches
------------------------------------------------------------------------Tree Costs:
10 to 49 trees ($6.00 each)
50 to 299 trees of any one variety ($2.75 each)
300 trees or more of any one variety is $2.50 each
Shipping Cost:
Shipping: 30¢ per seedling (minimum $40 charge) for any location in SK, MB or AB
Shipping for B.C. and Ontario: 60 cents per seedling or $80 whichever is more.
0 shipping charge if trees are picked up in Weyburn SK.
Special incentives for Weyburn Pick up: 10% extra trees in generic one meter large willow (in addition to regular 5% extra of each variety ordered that all customers are given; Larger Root balls of 170 ml or 320 ml if available for any varieties ordered for pick up customers only.
Two Ways to Order:
i) Online Ordering
Go to www.help-shelterbelt.com and click on"store"
Under Notes to Seller Write: I would like: "Weyburn Pick last wk of May through 12th of June" or "Please Ship last wk May through 1st 12 days of June" (only write ONE option) . If picking up do NOT fill in any shipping address. If you require your trees at a time different from these dates we can usually accommodate. NOTE: Container root trees establish best when in full leaf but if you want them earlier than last week of May we will work to accommodate.
Note that container root trees can remain healthy and growing in the containers you receive them in for several weeks maintaining not more than 1/2 inch of water in the bottom of the open shipping containers! Lilacs and carigana prefer less water during live storage..just keep them moist.
ii) Telephone Ordering
You can call us at (306)-861-0814 to place a telephone order. We will need: your name, telephone number, email for follow-up receipt, credit card information, name town and city nearest your residence and your preference for shipping or Weyburn pick-up. Please order on line if possible but by phone if you prefer.
Planting Advice
Deep, fine till your soil to garden texture. You should sink up to your ankles if the soil is well prepared.
Plant your seedlings deep! ie: the full root plus at least two inches of the lower stem underground for ALL seedling types.
Give one good heel kick per seedling (45 degree angle kick three inches away from seeding in direction of seedling) to ensure the seedling is sealed and the heal kick creates a one liter water well near the base of the seedling. If you pull on the seedling tip after planting it should break off rather than pull out of the ground if planted properly deep and heel/sealed.
Shovel out one spadeful of earth four to five inches deep about 4 inches away from each seedling on any side. Our newest research shows that this simple practice can increase both establishment rate by an extra ten percent and can triple growth rate for sites with no consistent irrigation.
For planting trees by hand, ideally, place a 24 x 24 inch plastic mulch pad (you can make out of a heavy duty black garbage bag for piece of grain bag over each seedling with a 2 inch x 2 inch plus sign cut into the middle of the plastic that goes over the tree. Bury the outer two to three inches of the edges of the plastic.
Place a first size or larger stone on top the plastic pulling it down into your heel print you created when you 'heel kicked' a couple inches away from the tree seedling. Place a finger or screw driver hole in the plastic under the stone at the bottom of the depression. The stone creates a funnel in the plastic so rain water or irrigation draws water down to water the tree seedling.
Water each seedling ten liters (2 Gallons) once per week that it does not rain. Do NOT water more than 10 liters per seedling and not more frequent than once per week. All tree seedlings and especially ones such as lilac and carigana can die by too much watering!
For tree seedlings planted in spring, summer or fall to the end of October just befor freeze up its a great idea to give the trees one last good watering. This prevents root dehydration during open snowless winters and the ice crystals around the root prevents deep freezing of the roots especially for evergreens that are more susceptible to winter harm. Try to ensure snow cover over spruce and pine particularly to guard against winter wind and cold damage to evergreens.
Applying Plastic Mulch Film (4 ft wide x 1,500 ft rolls)
HELP strongly suggests you use the thickest mulch plastic available to avoid damage by deer perforating the plastic. Your first defence is to have your land finely worked like a garden so that the plastic lays very flat against the ground! Plastic mulch rolls purchase: due to prohibitive shipping costs for shipping plastic mulch rolls outside of Saskatchewan, HELP recommends you purchase these heavier items from plastic retail suppliers in your province i.e.: You might consider Jeffries Nurseries in Portage, Manitoba or Earlies Home and Garden in Saskatoon. For pick up mulch purchases from HELP, we produce the thickest plastic mulch in Canada at 3.2 mil. Out website explains a profoundly simple way beginners can be 100% accurate in pulling trees from under the plastic for mechanized mulch laying.
Contracted Tree Shelterbelt Planting Services
HELP International and its partner GRDC assists with shelterbelt design and provides contracted planting, plastic mulching, grassing services. We also now provide drip irrigation installation. We service all of the three prairie provinces.
Consider assisted planting any time in May, June, July 1 to 15 or fall planting in October. (Note: HELP utilizes largest seedlings it has available and the largest root volumes available for contract plantings. Likewise HELP utilizes thicker plastic mulch film than available in the marketplace i.e.: 3 mil plastic for contract plantings.
Contact us for more information at help@sasktel.net or rsidloski@help-international.com
Licensing Opportunities: HELP and GRDC is now marketing licensing for tree and plant producers in a newly patented low cost floating tree and plant production system developed by HELP's lead researcher. The system dramatically reduces labor, water, land space, and infrastructure and is being launched world wide. Global TV News FB post of our story gathered 4.2 million views and shares in 131 countries! Call now to discuss how your organization can host a floating tree and plant production and live storage system workshop in your community! Visit the website of Patent holder Green Research & Discovery Corp: www.greenresearchdiscoverycorporation.com
The following services are also made available by this seller. Please reach out to them for more info as there may be additional costs.